Hearing Loss Association Of America, Salt Lake Chapter Walk4Hearing

Our first Virtual Walk together.

Join us in showing how many people are affected by hearing loss. Walk for yourself or a loved one, a friend or colleague, or someone you know from church or from where you shop. If this is a time when you can donate something, too, know that the Hearing Loss Association of America, nationally and here in Utah, is working to make our world friendlier for people who work so hard to hear and understand what people are telling them.

Virtual World and You, We’re in this together!

With ongoing shelter in place and stay home stay safe orders we wanted to invite any who needs to be connected with others to jump online and join other Hard of Hearing through the many meetings being offered by Utah’s Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. There will be a Coffee Chat Social every Friday morning through the end of May from 10-11. Hard of Hearing Specialist, Chelle Wyatt and her staff have put together four presentations that will be online, as well as, many online classes. Please visit jobs.utah.gov/usor/dhh/events/northern.html for details and registration or contact Chelle Wyatt at chellegeorge@utah.gov

PS; Save the Date of Saturday May 16 for our first virtual walk. You can join our chapter team, Virtually Hear, today at: http://hlaa.convio.net/site/TR/Teamraiser/SaltLakeCityWalk?team_id=49042&pg=team&fr_id=2634